Tuesday, August 21, 2012

what was I thinking?

Why oh why did we agree to keep the gender of the baby a secret?!?! This is so hard. I want to go shopping for baby stuff so bad but I don't want to just get gender neutral stuff, there are so many cute flowery girl things or adorable blue blankets... *sigh* oh well, guess our checkbook will benefit from me not knowing yet. Here is a picture of the envelope! Still sealed...

4 more days!

Oh, and I think we came up with the perfect boy middle name. (the first name has always been decided because it was Micah's Opa's name and has a lot of meaning and significance for the family) but the middle name we have been waivering on. We'll reveal the full name saturday night if it turns out that's what we are having.

Lastly, Hannah cracks me up with all the different positions she sleeps in. I swear she is the only dog who sleeps more like a human than a dog. Hips facing one direction, upper arms facing another, and head vacing another. Silly pup.

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