Friday, August 17, 2012

Anatomy scan, It's a...

This is a profile view of baby, top of the head to the left,
 an arm/hand by the chin on the right. nose/mouth facing up. 
Healthy Baby!!!!!!!! We went for our Anatomy scan today. the baby was healthy but stubborn. Took over 1/2 an hour to get all of the measurements they needed because the baby was laying head down, chin to chest, facing my back. Which is actually the perfect position if it were closer to delivery, but for now he/she still has a lot of room and we needed him/her to move around so we could get good measurements of the head. After a lot of belly vibrating by the tech, and having me lay on my left side and then on my right side and then back on my left side for a few minutes we finally got baby to rotate enough to be able to measure the head and see if it is a boy or girl!

I made myself close my eyes during the gender part though, the tech knew i wanted to keep it a secret for 1 more week so she took a quick picture. she put the picture in one card (that is sealed and we will keep ourselves to make sure the information doesn't get lost) and she wrote down the sex in another card that was addressed to the baker and we sealed it and put it in the mail today so they can have the cake made next Saturday.

What makes things more interesting is I have no clue if my husband knows the gender. He was "acting up" during the whole appointment and when it came time to close our eyes for the gender he was pretending not to, or pretending to... the tech kept catching him and threatened to turn off the tv screen, then called him a "cheater" because he was peaking. At that point (with my eyes still closed) I told him it was fine with me if he looked, but he better keep a secret for a week! Afterwards i kept asking him if he knew and he always had a funny comment, or laugh, or statement... but he never really said "yes OR no" so we will see. My hunch is that he saw the picture but not the writing on whether it was a boy or girl so while he technically "saw" he isn't sure of what he saw.

Based on measurements the baby now weighs 8 oz. We got to see it's little femurs and arms, spine and heart. All 4 chambers were pumping well. Heart rate was 155.

The baby has a silly dad but otherwise is doing great.

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