Speaking of the skirt though, It happens to be one of the MANY items I got from someone on craigslist for 75 bucks total! Lots of new maternity clothes to help me not have a breakdown when i try to get dressed in normal clothes.
Important things this week: Micah SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED HIS THESIS!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooo and I finished my SICU rotation, which means I'll actually get to sleep a full night for the next 3 weeks :) I feel like I need to work-out but i'm not sure how... This week I decided my focus would be to try to eat healthier (fresh) foods rather than the fast-food/cafeteria/processed stuff i've had to live on the past month. tonight I'm making fresh home-made beef and broccoli. Yumm
less than 2 weeks until we find out if jelly bean is a boy or girl!!!! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!! We also will hopefully find out it is growing healthy and without problems! So prayers for a healthy baby are appreciated. And in 2 and a half weeks we go on a mini vacation to Fredericksburg and have 2 nights at a Bed & Breakfast. A much needed break for both of us. (all 3 of us? lol).
Fruit/veggie this week: An Onion
Weight gain so far: about 7 lbs.
Milestones: Everyonce in a while I wonder if I felt something move, but it's so faint I think it could just be my imagination thinking the baby is moving. Probably it'll get stronger and more identifiable in the next few weeks.
I feel SO blessed. God just continues to pour out his Blessings on both Micah and I. We are so thankful and humbled and we cannot wait for this jelly bean to come. What a wonderful addition to our grace-filled life.
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