There's no more doubt in my mind about my baby bump! I officially look pregnant, if I say so myself :) Of course wearing the empire-wasted shirt and doing the "belly-hold" pose doesn't hurt the look either.
Weight gain: about 8 lbs
Fruit/Veggie this week: Sweet Potato
Milestones: I'm definitely feeling flutters every once in a while. We have a home doppler and it is so neat to everyonce in a while just sit there with the doppler still on my tummy and hear "thump", "badump", and then " da bum. ba da da bum" as the baby kicks and turns and then winds up with the heart near the doppler. The baby is definitely active and getting bigger everyday.
We have a doctor's appointment this Thursday and then...oh yeah... Our anatomy scan on FRIDAY!!! I'm so nervous that there will be something wrong, i cannot wait for the scan to be over with and to be told that the heart, kidneys, and brain look good. We haven't decided what we are going to do yet about the sex. Micah and I will most likely find out at the appointment, but we are going down to san antonio in just 1 week so it might be more fun to tell everyone the sex in person at the same time... Of course we may not be able to keep a secret that long... only time will tell :)
Good family friends of ours took Micah and I out to eat last night in celebration of his thesis defense (along with celebrating our marriage and baby since we hadn't really celebrated that with them). It was the most expensive dinner of my life so far! And, I tried Quail for the first time. It was pretty good, but i don't think i'm a fan of eating dinner that looks like a critter still (i hated that it had wings/legs on it) but Micah said this was actually the best done Quail he'd ever had. They had debreasted it too which apparently helps it not look so much like a critter either. The appetizer (a lobster/crab/puff pastry) and the desert (red velvet cake with layers of cream cheese filling topped with chocolate ganache) were AMAZING though.
I'm still attempting to cook a little healthier and tried my hand at some pork lo mein cooked the "low-fat" way for lunch. I think it was delicious, and micah got seconds if that says anything about it.
Guess I still talk about food a lot huh? lol. Oh well, yay for Pregnancy!
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