Sunday, October 21, 2012

28 weeks

This week should be titled "28 weeks - Why yes I would like to take a nap now" 
I seriously napped for like an HOUR each at least 3 afternoons this past week. I'm still getting up really early (4:30) but I've never been so tired at 2:00 before! On top of that I can no longer wear my real wedding ring as it leaves a red mark and makes my finger sore from being too tight and a weird shape. Oh, and swelling feet and face, check. Looks like i hit the 3rd trimester full force :/ 

On a good note, I passed my 1 hr glucose test!!!! (by ONE point!!!) YAY! No gestational diabetes! I still need to watch what I eat and try to be as healthy as I can since i definitely have some increased resistance to insulin (a natural mechanism of pregnancy to ensure the baby gets enough food). For everyone that knows me though, you know how distraught I would have been if I would have had to cut out all sweets/sugar

I was reminded of how great my church is this weekend, of how much I don't want to leave it, and of how I cannot leave Micah in charge of buying anything for the baby ;) We had a fundraiser where i baked some things and helped man the bake sale and it was a blast. We were raising money for our school (daycare/preschool where bailey will be going in the spring at least) and they had a silent auction. I bid 15 dollars on a "baby basket" but left early. Micah stayed so i told him to watch it and he could bid up to 25, but don't worry about bidding more than that. Well, today at church i find out not only did he go above 25 on the basket i bid on, but he ALSO bid on another baby basket! Guess who ended up writing a check for 62 dollars for baby baskets this morning :) I'm not mad at him, it honestly makes me smile. He is sooooo excited for Bailey to come and keeps asking me when the crib is going to get here. He's hand carving a bookshelf for her, and is just excited in general. I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful partner for this. 

Summary: Weeks 28
Fruit/Veg: Eggplant
Milestones: Don't have gestational diabetes! Officially in 3rd trimester
Weight gain: 22 lbs (20 according to my doctor's scale!)
And lastly, how can I NOT share this story about my problem child! As you can see Fiona earned herself a picture today. Right as we were leaving for church fiona came inside, i took one look at her face and immediately called Micah to help. Fiona had gotten into a BUNCH of these particularly horrible seeds/casings that grow here in lubbock. They are stickier than anything i've ever come across and once they touch her fur it immediately becomes a ratted mess. There is no brushing this stuff out, so into the bathroom we went and out came the scissors. I was able to salvage most of the fur, but she has no hair on her chin anymore! 

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