Sunday, October 14, 2012

27 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

So here we are... Third Trimester!!! Bailey is certainly growing and I'm happy to report that she has flipped back to head-down as i'm getting lots of kicks above my belly button again. I'm definitely sporting a 3rd trimester belly. The hormones are... well.. what you'd expect. Micah appreciates your condolences (ha ha, j/k!) I think Bailey likes going to church, for about 30 minutes as I sat quietly this morning during bible study she was going bezerk. Even with tights and a dress on Micah could even see her moving my belly. 

This week she is the size of a Rutabaga (i have no clue how big it is) After looking up the average length/weight it turns out she should be a little longer than 12 inches and weigh between 1.5 to 2.5 lbs! 

Weeks - 27
Weight gain - 22 lbs
Milestones - We go for the Gestational Diabetes Glucose challenge this thursday. Cross your fingers that I pass! 

As a side note I bought shirts & a belt for my interview suit. (the pants are still at the tailor, so I took pictures with a different pair of dress pants. Just imagine that they match the jacket) All I can say is Holy Cow! No possible way to hide the fact i'm pregnant lol. Now i have a week and a half to practice holding my head high and realizing that I will be judged for it but being pregnant does not define who I am. I earned these interviews and I will be a good surgeon AND a good mom, no matter what all of the people interviewing me think. 

 These pictures were taken the same day as the ones above. There is something about the suit that just makes my belly look so much bigger! Probably the belt, but without it the button wouldn't stand a chance... ;)

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