Tuesday, October 2, 2012

25 weeks

This week has been fun because i'm back at my home program in surgery. I've been back in the SICU a few times and it's truly like i'm seeing old friends.  I've had so many comment on how i now look pregnant and they tell me i'm cute and ask about the Baby. I truly am very conflicted about applying for residency at other places... 
I'm doing pediatric surgery this month and so far I love it! The resident is on vacation so the attending actually had me carry the beeper all day/night yesterday and today. I had another moment of crazy adrenaline when my beeper went off at 2:15 am and then i tried to go back to sleep after it ended up not being something i needed to go in to the hospital for. Apparently, my adrenaline rush hit Bailey and she was jumping around so much there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep for a while. I think it took about 30 minutes for her to calm down and quit jumping around so i could go back to sleep. 

I've loved being back in Lubbock so much! It feels amazing to be in my own house in my town that feels like "home" I've also missed my puppies so much. While I was gone Micah got Fiona a REAL haircut at a groomers. This is her saying "hi" while micah was trying to take my weekly picture. 

We finally have somewhat of a nursery started. Nothing matches, but everything in it is full of love. It's all starting to feel so real. We even bought a baby doll to start working with the dogs with. (teaching them that when i'm holding the babydoll they can't jump on me, bite the doll, etc.) 

Weeks 25
Fruit/veggie: Cauliflower
Milestones: Someone assumed i was pregnant today. I was leaving a patient's room and the patient's mom looks at me and says "when are you due?" I smiled and told her and she congratulated me. Afterward i realized i must REALLY be showing if she's confident enough to say something as most people are scared to ask in case the person isn't pregnant. Otherwise i'm just loving being pregnant this week. 

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