Monday, December 24, 2012

37 weeks & Christmas!

So here we are, 37 weeks pregnant! Officially done with all of my Med school rotations until mid February! Also 100% done interviewing for residency too. From now until approx. Jan 13th I get to just hang out around the house and "nest" Unfortunately that desire to clean and stuff still hasn't hit... 

It's hard to be away from all of our family members this Christmas, but Micah and I are going to try our best to just enjoy this last bit of time where it is "just us." So far since Friday we've watched 3 movies (probably more than the last 3 months!) played dominos, and went to our Pastor's last Sunday at Hope slash children's christmas service. We are going to do tamales for Christmas eve (my family tradition) and then since there was no point doing a whole turkey for 2 people, we are going to have Steak on Christmas. Oh and some sparkling cider courtesy of our sister-in-law. 

Probably the most exciting thing that happened in the past week was our "growth" ultrasound. Turns out Bailey is actually on the small side! (but from looking at her squishy cheeks i'm going to guess she's just short). Here is the first "picture" of our little girl! 
They are estimating her at 6 lbs 1 oz as of Dec. 21st. She has her mouth open and it looks like she's trying to  suck on her hand. I can't wait to meet this baby girl! She's still head down and the fluid levels all look good. Now we just have to wait for her to finish cooking! 

I'm at a point where I would classify myself as "VERY pregnant!" I waddle (*sigh*) and i find myself having a harder time moving around than I have ever had before. I've actually ended up sleeping half of the night in the lazy-boy recliner for the past 2 nights because I get better sleep being propped up. Sleeping on my side is just getting uncomfortable and I end up keeping both myself AND Micah awake. 

Thanks to everyone who has been so generous with gifts for this little girl. Her room is basically done and she has just about everything I think we will need for her. We went ahead and installed the car seat base this week... I think that made it real for Micah that she's almost here. Now if I could just get up the energy to pack that hospital bag...

Weeks: 37
Fruit/Veggie: Wintermelon (Winter melon?)
Weight gain: 33 lbs
Milestones: Well, technically this is Micah and my first Christmas married and our last Christmas as just the two of us :) So I guess that makes this Christmas important.

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