I can't believe we are already at 35 weeks! Only 35 days left until our Due Date! It's crazy how fast things have gone the past few weeks. My belly is getting bigger by the day. Luckily Micah got back into town last night so I took today off of work and we are just spending the day together. He did the awesome job on the board this week.
My new favorite pregnancy memory is that when i lay on one side for a few hours and then stand up my belly is lopsided because she has shifted to the dependent side and it takes her a while to shift back to midline.
We have our "natural labor" class tomorrow night and then a Dr.'s appt. on Thursday where if she is still measuring big I'll get the ultrasound scheduled. My weight has definitely stabilized to the 1/2 to 1 lb per week i'm supposed to be gaining.
I am so tired of working so much but I only have 2 more weeks left of "work" until i'm off for a month and a half! I can't remember the last time I had that much time off of school. Of course i'll have my hands full with having a baby and everything, but it'll be nice to have a break from the hospital.
At this point when anyone sees me all they ask is "how are you feeling" which is fine except my answers are kind of limited. My options are to say "I feel great" which is true half of the time, or i spend 20 minutes telling them how my joints all hurt, i have a neuropathy that developed over one knee/thigh, I can't sleep past 5:00 am, I want to eat everything in sight, I wake up at least twice per night to pee, My lower back is killing me, I'm stuck "rounding" on patients for hours on end and my lower belly starts to hurt, none of my clothes fit right, people continually ask when i'm due expecting me to say any minute now, and i'm mentally terrified of what will happen come July when I start my residency and I have to leave this beautiful little girl with other people for the vast majority of her waking hours.... So instead I just say "I feel pretty good" or "a little tired"
We still haven't packed a hospital bag (or even thought about what to put into it), we haven't bought our diaper bag, we haven't bought any diapers, we haven't finished putting her room together, we don't have a christmas tree put up or lights, I haven't bought the stuff i need to use the breast pump, I don't have any milk storage containers/bags, i haven't washed the clothes we've been given, etc. I Let's hope she continues to cook at least until a week after christmas so i have time to get all this stuff done :)
Weeks - 35
Fruit/Veggie - Coconut
Weight gain - 30 lbs
Weeks - 35
Fruit/Veggie - Coconut
Weight gain - 30 lbs
Milestones - Labor class this week, possibly scheduling another ultrasound. Also when people ask me how much longer i have I can answer them with one month!
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