Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chemical Lard

After really craving something sweet Micah and I decided to stop at dairy queen so I could try one of the new "chocolate candy" blizzards. About 2 bites in we both comment on how "grainy" the ice cream is. It's like there are these tiny little dots of clear goo throughout the whole thing. If I was smart I would have just stopped eating right then, but no... of course i continued to eat almost the whole thing.

Now it's been nearly 3 hrs later and I still feel like crap. *sigh*

Hopefully this feeling will go away soon and now I know my lesson. Another place to add to my "I cannot go here while pregnant" is dairy queen. Good bye my old friend.

(but on a happier note I hit 13 weeks today!!! 2nd trimester here I come! I'll try to take a picture once i'm feeling a little better.)

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