Sunday, July 15, 2012

14 Weeks

After an awesome yet exhausting 1st week back to "school" in the Surgical ICU, here is my 14 week belly picture. 

I could definitely benefit from make-up, but my skin still isn't back to normal and i'm fighting a crazy amount of pimples near my chin/jaw line/neck and just lots of bumps all over my face so i'm bypassing the make-up on most days. 
I'm at the point where I love being able to wear scrubs everyday. If finding clothes to wear in the morning was a challenge before, it's darn near impossible now. Scrubs are very comfortable and solve the problem of "what to wear." Everything makes me look fat (since i still don't look pregnant yet, just chunky) Too small for maternity clothes, too chunky for my normal clothes. But the medium scrubs make me feel tiny :) 
On a side note I definitely found my calling. I feel so at home in the surgical ICU and in the trauma bay. I think I will end up specializing in trauma/critical care. Also, I'm getting pretty good at dodging the gazillion x-rays performed in the ICU and trauma bay now that i'm pregnant. 

Ok here is my summary for the week: 

Weeks: 14
Weight gain: still 5-6 lbs.
Special things this week: My 2nd real OB apt. this Thursday. Hopefully we will get to schedule the anatomy scan so I will know when we will get to find out the gender.
Cravings: not really craving much this week, happy just to get time for food during the SICU rotation. Keeping lots of snacks in my white coat pocket and scrounging up the wonderfully healthy food from the hospital cafeteria (sarcasm).

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