Sunday, January 6, 2013

39 Weeks

I seriously can't believe we are already at 39 weeks!!!

Our last doctor's appointment was last Wednesday and I was still 1 cm dilated (different doctor this time and he said barely 1 cm... he wouldn't have even really called it that) But... I am more effaced at nearly 75 to 80% effaced and she has "dropped" and her head is at a -2 station. My doctor gets back into town tonight/tomorrow so it looks like she will be the one to deliver Bailey. 

She's still active, but most of the time it doesn't feel as strong... she's running out of room I suppose. I'm getting a lot of braxton hicks but no real contractions. I'm sitting on the exercise ball as much as possible and trying to walk around each day. Luckily yesterday warmed up into the 40s so Micah and I took the dogs for a walk. It's funny when i see my shadow because i'm like "whoa, that's a very pregnant shadow!" 

Micah encouraged me to go ahead and get my hair cut, so I got a trim with some light layering done on Friday. I love it and it made me feel so much better to have it "styled". 

Still proud of my stretch-mark free belly! 

My biggest issue now is that I am having a REALLY hard time sleeping (to the point that now i've started sleeping in the guest room and/or lazy-boy so i don't keep Micah up), i have horrible gas, and I want to eat everything in sight! I thought labor might be starting soon since all day Friday I had horrible intestinal cramping, but it went away and still no contractions. I'm at a point where I find myself eating cereal at 2:00 am nearly every night... 

Micah and I got a LOT of time together, enjoyed our 1 year anniversary, played a lot of dominos and card games. Now he's back at work until Bailey gets here. I'm trying to find "activities" to keep myself busy during the week. This is going to be a long 7 days (+/- a few). 

Roses from my always sweet & thoughtful Hubby! 

Weeks = 39
Fruit/Veggie = Watermelon
Weight gain = 40 lbs
Milestones= Bailey moved to a -2 station, I go back to the doctor on Thursday if Bailey still hasn't come. At that point if it's possible I'll have her sweep my membranes and hopefully get something started by Sunday. My mom also gets to town next Sunday...

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