Well, here we are 32 weeks pregnant and in a Hotel room in Knoxville, TN. (i was so exhausted and busy we completely missed the 31 week pregnant picture. whoops!)
The room was really nice and was paid for by the school I was interviewing at, so that made it even extra special. Fortunately Micah was able to go with me for this trip, which made the weekend that much more special.
My goal for this week was to not gain as much as I did the prior 2 weeks. At my appointment for 31 weeks I had gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks (double what i was supposed to). It's really hard when you are on the road more days than you are home and being given catered dinners and lunches for interviews and socials.
Bailey found airplanes to be exiting, or terrifying... Or something because she was SUPER active during my flights. I would be sitting still trying to read my kindle and the next thing I know she's jumping all over the place making my kindle move (since i'm resting it on my belly at this point).
Luckily I haven't really had heartburn, but lately my belly is getting to the point that the pressure is just too much and I'll occasionally get to taste my food again. (gross, i know!)
I started doing prenatal pilates to see if that helps increase my metabolism to help with my traveling food choices and just general feeling of needing to eat every 2 minutes :)
Weeks - 32
Fruit/veggie - Squash of some sort
Weight gain - 28 lbs
milestones - survived 7 interviews so far!
Weeks - 32
Fruit/veggie - Squash of some sort
Weight gain - 28 lbs
milestones - survived 7 interviews so far!
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