Sunday, September 16, 2012

23 Weeks

So I probably should have titled this entry "23 Weeks + a really good dinner" since that's really the belly you are seeing. It was slightly smaller this morning but after a very stressful week I treated myself to a dinner at a local place that serves crepes. I got one called 'The popeye" its a crepe with spinach, chicken, and mozzarella with a hit of pesto sauce. SOOOOOOOOOOO good! I may or may not have had a "mini" custard for dessert too :)

Micah and I are constantly blessed in our life and tonight was just another reminder. Since I've been gone so long a few couples at church invited Micah to join them for dinner tonight so he wouldn't have to be alone again. Then my sister in law had gotten a TON of nearly new baby girl stuff from a friend who was looking to give away a bunch of her old baby stuff. It's like I just had a miniature shower. We now have a baby bathtub, a cute boppy with a plush velor pink cover, tons of developmental toys, bottle carriers, a baby carrier to wear, etc. etc. 

I only have 1 more week in San Antonio. (does a happy dance!) The city isn't that bad, but I'm exhausted from this rotation, both physically and emotionally. I miss my husband and dogs and life back home. I can't wait for Micah to be able to feel Bailey kicking. This week I was even able to SEE her kicking when i was laying down at night. It made me smile so big, hard to believe she's that strong already. 23 weeks is a big milestone medically.

Lastly, I wanted to share my disappearing belly button. At the end of the day (when i took this picture) you can see how tight it is becoming. Sometimes i'm suprised by just how round my belly already is. Hard to believe i still have 16 more weeks to grow! 

Weeks: 23
Fruit: Grapefruit
Milestones: Could "SEE" Bailey kicking this week. Also will be my last week on an away rotation. And i submitted my application for Residency today (i'm applying to 19 programs total, so we will just have to wait and see where God sends us.)
Food I'm craving: Spinach and "whole food" type stuff. 

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