Friday, February 15, 2013

One month!

Happy Valentines Day! 
Bailey is now officially one month old! I can't believe how fast this past month has gone! Bailey and I don't exactly have a routine but we do have a better understanding now. I've figured out how to change her diapers without her screaming bloody murder, (or she just gave up and accepts that this routine will continue to happen whether she screams or not). Also, i'm learning how to differentiate her cries.

We are still going strong with breastfeeding (yay us!) and I will be going back to school/work on monday but  it looks like I'll be able to pump enough to keep her exclusively breast fed. (although I have also accepted that if I need to supplement with formula in the beginning it isn't the end of the world).

Being "out and about" is very tiring for her. 
We are starting to "get out" more and went to church on sunday and wednesday this week. Bailey is SO loved at church and there is no shortage of people offering to hold and cuddle her. We may not have family that lives in Lubbock, but I know without a doubt that if there were an emergency all I would have to do is pick up the phone and I would have a bunch of ladies and men willing to be there in a heartbeat. They wanted to put us on the meal train to receive a home cooked meal once a week. I declined because I felt guilty accepting it since my mom was here and now Micah's mom will be here next week and I actually had people asking if they had missed me because they were looking forward to cooking for us.

I packed up Bailey's newborn clothes today and washed her 0-3month outfits! Hard to believe she is already out of the newborn period! This past week she has started "talking" more. Her favorite thing to talk to? Curtains! forget all of her toys, nothing captivates her quite like the blue curtains in our bedroom.

Her eyes still look blue and she still has the slightest of dimples when she smiles, which she will occasionally do even when she isn't sleeping now. I know she is my daughter, but when i look at her I feel as if she is all Beierle!  I never met her great Opa, but from what micah tells me she may have gotten a few of his features. Which is perfect because Micah was so close with him.

We have a date for her baptism, March 10th. Unfortunately we couldn't do it here in Lubbock (it was a REALLY hard decision, but in the end having family present was more important).

Saturday, February 9, 2013

3 weeks old

I decided to break out the old white board to keep track of our weekly pictures. Here is Bailey and me at 3 weeks after her birth. My mom left this week and Bailey, Micah, and I are officially on our own (for less than 2 weeks lol!) 

Bailey was having a fussy morning and fell asleep while Micah was holding her. I love her sleepy face! 

She's completely asleep in this picture. 
Yet another sleeping picture :) So peaceful and adorable. 

She is still sleeping like a champ most nights (3,4, and 5 hr stretches most times). She loves to interact during the day and is just in general a good baby. 

Now our goal as a family is to get the house in good enough shape to put on the market to hopefully sell! Only 1 month and 1 week until Match day and we find out where we will be moving to in June! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

2 weeks

Our little girl is now 2 weeks old and is quickly turning from a newborn into a baby. She is such a joy and is overall such an easy baby. She sleeps so well at night, even going 5 hrs two nights in a row. She wakes to eat, and then after just a few minutes rocking she is back sound asleep in her crib. We do think she is having some reflux issues, so we are elevating one side of her bed. We bought gripe water which I think worked pretty well for her reflux/gas pain.

She can definitely focus better and is starting to "talk" to toys/shapes/lights, still mostly silent mouthing but she does have the occasional coo that escapes.

She is soooo strong and can hold her head up for increasing amounts of time.

Her eyes look more and more blue every day and we think she has a dimple.

My sister and her family were able to come visit us last weekend, so Bailey got to meet a few of her Aunt/Uncle/Cousins. Then we had a crazy few days that involved Micah traveling home for a funeral, a plane flight that i booked for the wrong day, a quick booking of a second flight after a period of crying over my mistake that cost us 100 dollars, I got a UTI and had crazy painful bladder spasms, and Bailey had one day where she was hurting with gas and refused to nap.

We went to her 2 week check-up on Wed. and she weighed in at exactly 8 lbs 5 oz which was the goal to get her back to birth weight by 2 weeks.

This week Bailey made her first trip to the grocery store and to Kohls. She slept through all of it much to her mommy's delight.

We are so blessed to have had such an easy pregnancy/delivery/and newborn so far. I know I will cherish these next few months where I get to spend so much time with her.